Monday, September 1, 2014

Nonsense, Nothing, and You


You and your blank stare and a slight wetness at the back of your lips as you read and hope to see something happen in front of your eyes.

Sorry, that isn't going to happen.

What is going on right now as I write now is nothing.

Nothing is happening in front of your eyes.

In your mind the nothing is just creating the vaguest spark of something, much like a battery which has just enough juice in it to make you believe what you want to happen is going to happen but there's not enough juice to see it through.

This isn't about the juice of your mind, this is about the juice of my words which are so juice-less they're like a handful of cornflakes in your mind's mouth.

Your mind is chewing and you're thinking "These words would go much better with milk, I wonder if anyone has ever thought of that." 

(Yes, they have.)

Having thought the above you also think "These dry words taste like cornflakes and cornflakes without milk and sugar essentially taste like wallpaper paste." 

And you're right.

But what I want to know is: When did you taste wallpaper paste?

(written 8/30/10)

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