Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Am Tired of...Zombies

I mean the walking dead, not this kind.

To be honest (for once), I've never cared for zombie flicks.* Zombies never seemed interesting and definitely didn't seem scary. (With the exception of Max Brook's Zombie Survival Guide which was fairly creepy.)

But these days zombies are everywhere and...Yawn! The zombie walks were kinda funny once. As a repeat get together? No. And the zombieThriller dance gatherings? NO!

Maybe the zombie fixation is because zombies so often want brains and the masses so often seem to be lacking brains. Do the masses secretly desire brains and as a result identify with zombies? If so, couldn't they just link arms and skip off down some a yellow brick road?

Well, I guess skipping would require some effort. Aimlessly shuffling about while moaning is something everyone is doing anyway.

I think I just realized why I don't care for zombies. 

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