Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Am Tired Of...Media Yackers Going On About How Stupid They Think Social Media Updates Are

The general comment is pert near always "I don't get [social networking site]! I don't care what you had for lunch!"

Ha-ha! Hilarious.

Guess what? I think your updates on your radio or TV show about how you think social networking updates are stupid are unimaginative and boring and I'd really rather hear what you had for lunch.

If all the people you know online are just sharing dull and pointless updates there's a good chance you only know dull and pointless people. If you only know dull and pointless people there's also a good chance that you yourself are dull and pointless. It's a little like looking around at a Dungeons & Dragons marathon weekend you're attending at the local Holiday INN and thinking "Man, all these people are geeks!"

And here's something else to wrap your dull and pointless mind around: Life is not about trips to Paris or shaking the President's hand or big game hunting or robbing banks with your buddies in order to fund your extreme surfing lifestyle.

Life is about the ordinary moment to moment little day to day things. Such as what you had for lunch. And most of our conversations are about these simple things, especially with the people we interact with on a daily basis. Read this typical interaction between coworkers Tim and Other Tim:

Did you notice the lack of really exciting elements such as jumping out of airplanes or sharing a cab with the guy who invented Snausages? 

That's life. 

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