Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Problems of Joking Without Emoticons

A FBriend* made this post on Facebook: 
I think Nissan commercials are sending wrong signal to young drivers.

And I replied to the post. Then a friend of the FBriend replied to my reply and I replied to that and the exchange went just like this:

Woofmutt: Do you mean their new car that can jump on top of moving trains? I think that's a pretty amazing design feature...Everyone with a Nissan should try it! Friend of FBriend: Woof Mutt it says it in large enough letter "do not try this cars cannot jump on trains"... So if you're still dumb enough to try it, I would call that population control or thinning out the "stupid" gene pool. Woofmutt: Why would they show their car jumping onto a moving train if their car can't actually jump onto a moving train? Clearly their car can jump onto a moving train! I bet it's the train companies that made them put that fine print in the ads. Friend of FBriend: Seriously if YOU PERSONALLY are dumb enough to try, than go ahead. Stop arguing something that you're NOT SUPPOSED TO DO. You're one of those people that would pour burning hot coffee all over yourself just to make a buck because even after you ordered HOT COFFEE it wasn't written on the cup so you purposely spilled it. Woofmutt: But did you see the car jump onto a moving train? Jeez! Friend of FBriend:i P.s. if everything you see on TV is possible than "clearly" I can use to "Force choke" from Star Wars and strangle you through the computer, right? Friend of FBriend: Are you dead yet? Woofmutt: Dude, Star Wars was a MOVIE, not TV. Man, do you even know how stuff works? Or that I'm obviously joking about the ad? Friend of FBriend: I guess it didn't work Ohh well, maybe jumping a car onto a train is just easier...

*A FBriend is a Facebook friend who you don't actually know in real life. I thought of this word mash up the other day and then googled it and discovered it was already in the Urban Dictionary.

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